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In support of the Wellbeing guidelines laid out by the DES, 2020, I Am Retreats provide “targeted programmes to develop social and emotional competence.” Our retreat content also helps to support The Five Ways to Wellbeing, which is defined as “simple actions to practice each day to maintain or improve our wellbeing":

  • Connecting with others

  • Keeping active

  • Learning new things

  • Giving to others (e.g. acts of kindness)

  • Noticing the world around us” (Dept. of Education and Skills, 2020)


Mindful of the correct social distancing measures, retreats can be a great way to allow students the opportunity to take time for themselves and time together, and promises to be a day of fun, relaxation and self-discovery.

Junior Cycle

The new Junior Cycle Wellbeing guidelines ask that the student experience contributes directly to their physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing and resilience. Learning takes place in a climate focused on collective wellbeing of school, community, and society.


The programmes offered not only compliment these guidelines but also a number of the Statements of Learning, namely:


  • The student has an awareness of personal values and an understanding of the process of moral decision-making (SOL 5). 

  • The student values what it means to be an active citizen, with rights and responsibilities in local and wider contexts (SOL 7). 

  • The student has the awareness, knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to live sustainably (SOL 10). 

  • The student takes action to safeguard and promote her/his wellbeing and that of others (SOL 11).



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